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MKT-3550 Nonprofit Marketing: Home



Chicago Symphony Orchestra


For each class period you'll need to locate a journal/magazine article pertaining to your specific nonprofit and the current major topic being studied that day.  You will have to do this for 10 out of the 13 non-exam class periods.  

The article much be written within the last 10 years.  

You will need to create an annotated (100-150 words) bibliography for each article in APA.


Major Topics:

Strategic planning
Marketing Research
Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
Delivery or physical locations
Promotional issues (advertising, public relations)
Generating funds
Attracting volunteers, and using board members
Private sector partners


Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Tonya Fawcett
Morgan Library, Room 204
574.372.5100 x6291