When use of copyrighted materials falls outside of the "fair use," permission to use copyrighted materials must be obtained from the copyright owner or representative. Obtaining such permission may be possible if sufficient lead time is allowed, although a fee may be involved.
Permission to use copyright-protected materials, when required, should be obtained prior to using those materials. It is best to obtain permission in writing (including e-mail) and retain a copy of each permission form or letter and the response to your request.
The time to obtain permission may vary and, where possible, it is recommended to start the permissions process as soon as possible. A six-month lead time is NOT too early.
The copyright holder or its agent will require the following information in order to provide you with permission:
To Whom It May Concern:
I am requesting permission to copy the following for use in my _____name of _____class*.
Material to be copied:
Number of copies (if physical) or method of distribution (powerpoint, website, etc.)
Name Title Phone Number E-mail
*or purpose for which the work will be used. Be as detailed as possible.
Sample letter
Copyright Permission Department
Name of publisher
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
To Whom It May Concern:
I am requesting permission to copy the following for use in my ___name of______ class*.
Material to be copied:
Number of copies:
I have enclosed a stamped, self addressed envelope for your convenience in responding to my request.
Phone Number
Fax number
To Be Completed by the copyright owner/agent:
____ I represent that I have the authority to grant the permission requested. I hereby give permission for the use requested above.
Authorized Signature Name (please print) Title Date
*or purpose for which the work will be used. Be as detailed as possible.