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Management: Journals/Articles

Business Source Complete Search

Business Source Complete

Use basic search terms to find trade and scholarly articles, as well as news items.  Use the links on the left of the results to narrow to specific types of articles.

EBSCO Advanced Search Tutorial

HeinOnline Academic

Search tips:

You can search 3 ways:   

  1. Keyword search  - Basic or Advanced
  2. Browse Databases by Category
  3. Browse Databases by Name

The full-text search will search all databases, including the full text of the documents.  The Advanced Search will allow you to choose search fields and date ranges

      Searching by citation (blue book and others) will search the Law Journals.

      Catalog search will locate items at the publication level, i.e. Harvard Law Review

Nexis Uni

Search Tips:

Use specific terms or phrases in your search.  Then use the limiters on the left of the results page to narrow down your results.  You may choose to limit to a specific type of resource, i.e. law review or company information.

Nexis Uni limiters screenshot

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