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Library Resources-Akron Campus: Journals

Best for Biblical Studies

Open Access Theological Journals

Many of these resources are available through the Grace LancerQuest search.  We are providing these links should you desire to browse through available titles.

What's the best database for my subject area?

To find a database that's best for your paper, project or speech, go to the Databases A-Z guide and use the Subject dropdown to find  list of databases that are recommended for that subject  (image below )  

 Choose your subject and you will find a list of databases in a yellow block that are considered "Best Bet" for that subject.  They are listed alphabetically, not by priority.  Under that yellow block is a list of other databses that could be consulted as well, thought they aren't as strong.  








To the right is a list of guides created for classes in that subject area.  These guides may have helpful information too.


General Database - All Topics

If the article you want is not full-text in the database, use the Find-it button to locate in another database or request through Interlibrary Loan.  We will acquire the article for you and email it (or a link to it ) when it arrives.  For help with searching databases, try these tutorials.

  Morgan contact information