Two copies of the professional project are to be turned in and will be kept by the Grace College and Seminary Morgan Library. Both must be printed on a laser printer and must be on 20 lb. acid-free or acid-neutral white paper, letter size (8 ½ x 11), 25% cotton content. A watermark is expected. The faculty mentor will turn in the project, not the student.
The student must send a PDF copy of their final project to the library as an attachment to an email sent to
The Professional Project must be submitted in this form:
Note: Make sure to include one copy of the signed “Copy Release” with the copies of your professional project that you present shortly before graduation, but don’t include a copy with each of the projects to be bound.
This form MUST be completed, signed, and submitted to the library with your Professional Project.
The form is available as a pdf, which you can print out and complete, or a fillable PDF that you can complete online, save, and print or submit to the library (
Use with a Creative Commons License (see guidance, right)
If you want bound copies for your own personal use, they will cost $26.00* per copy, plus shipping and handling if you want them mailed to you. They may be submitted on whatever paper you wish. If you do not submit your copy on acid-free, cotton-content paper, be sure to distinguish clearly between the copies that you are submitting. If you mail your copies, please be sure to pack them so that they will not be damaged in transit.
See Mrs. Jodi Nakasone at the Grace College, Morgan Library to discuss what color cover and lettering you want. The phone for the library is 574-372-5100 ext. 6294; email:
* This cost may be higher by the time you finish your Professional Project. Our library only charges what they are charged, but you will have to pay the going rate at the time you complete your work.
If binding a personal thesis, you will need to choose:
1. The color of the font on the spine: Black, White, or Gold
2. The color of the binding:
Because your work is in a fixed format, you own the copyright to that work. You do not need to register your work with the copyright office, however, if you need to bring a lawsuit for infringement, you will need to have registered the work with the U.S. Copyright Office. In addition to the copyright notice, we are asking you to also make your work available under a Creative Commons License. By doing this you are making your work available to others to use without having to contact you first. This saves you and the library time and makes your work more widely available for others to use. You can decide upfront how you will allow others to use your work.
To help you choose a license you can use a form from Creative Commons –
There are six different licenses which grant various levels of permission, using a combination of these four conditions:
BY – Attribution Others may use your work but must give you credit
ND – NoDerivatives Others may copy, distribute, or display your work as is
NC – NonCommercial Others may use your work, but only for non-commercial purposes
SA – ShareAlike If others use your work to make derivative or new work, they must use the same license
Here are a couple of combinations:
BY-NC-SA = Attribution + Noncommercial +ShareAlike
BY-NC-ND = Attribution + Noncommercial +NoDerivatives