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Education: Articles

Resources for Teachers

ERIC Thesaurus

To access the ERIC Thesaurus in the New EBSCO interface:

  • Choose Advanced Search
  • Click on "Subjects" near the "Filters" under the search boxes
  • Enter your term in the "Search for terms in ERIC -- Thesaurus" to locate your term

What if the article isn't full-text?

If you find an article that isn't full-text (in a bibliography or abstract only database), here are a few options.  

  1. Check if the journal is full-text in one of our other databases: Is this Journal Full Text? 
  2. Check if the article is full-text on Google Scholar using quotation marks around the title.
  3. Request the article through Interlibrary Loan and we will email it to you.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Use Google Scholar with the Full Text@Grace College feature to find scholarly articles within the library's collection.

Set your preferences in Google Scholar:

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Click on SettingsSettings
  3. Click on "Library Links" in the left column and type in: Grace College & Seminary
  4. Select "Grace College & Seminary - Full Text @ Grace College"
  5. Click "Save"

Children's Resources


Middle School

High School