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Tech Items: Tech Items

A guide to Morgan Library-Learning Center's loanable tech items

The library offers a range of tech items for various project needs.

Check availability at the front desk. Sign out equipment with a student ID card.

Besteker Digital Video Camera

Loan period: 3 days

Image of digital video camera

Dell USB Plug & Play Drive / External DVD Drive

Loan period: 3 days

Dell USB Plug and Play Drive, external dvd drive

iPad and iPad Mini

Loan period: 3 days

Image of iPadiPad mini

Stabilizer Kit & Tripod

Loan Period: 3 days

stabilizer kitTripod

CD Player

Loan Period: 2 hours

Image of CD player

Canon PowerShot Camera

Loan period: 3 days

Digital Camera

Electronic Drawing Pad

Loan period: 2 weeks

Image of electronic drawing pad

Mini Video Projector

Loan period: 3 days

mini projector

Zoom Handy Video Recorder

Loan period: 3 days

Image of Zoom Handy Video Camera

Dell Laptop

Loan period: 3 days

Dell laptop

Green Screen | 10' x 12'

Loan Period: 2 hours

Image for Impact green screen

Samsung Galaxy Tabs

Loan period: 3 days

Image of Samsung Galaxy Tablet


Loan Period: 2 hours

Image of Logitech Headphones