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PSY 4300 - Clinical Practice/Senior Seminar: Web Resources


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Searching Mental Measurements Yearbook

Mental Measurements Yearbooks can be can be searched by keyword, title or category, at the Buros website.

The results will indicate which yearbook has the actual reviews of the test, here's an example:


This test is reviewed in the 12th Mental Measurements Yearbook.  The Morgan Library Reference section contains all of Mental Measurements Yearbooks in print.

  • On-Campus Students - Locate the test review by test title in the correction edition located at REF Z 5814.P3 B91.
  • Distance Students - Contact the Library ( or phone 574.372.5100 x6297) with the edition, title, and your email and we'll send it to you.

NOTE:  These are test REVEWS only, not the actual tests.  If you want to purchase the actual tests, you will need to contact the publisher, which is provided in the details of the test index and test review.

Subject Guide

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Tonya Fawcett
Morgan Library, Room 204
574.372.5100 x6291