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SOC 4220 Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice: Home


The Morgan Library's reference section includes several dictionaries, encyclopedias and handbooks on the subject of Criminal Justice.  Most of these resources will be in HV 6017 - 7900.  Or search through LancerQuest for "criminal justice" AND encyclopedia.

Circulating books will be located on the first floor of the library, with similar call numbers.

Use LancerQuest to locate specific titles.  Below are some examples of books (and ebooks) in the collection.

Approved Websites


The research paper is a 6-8 page paper based on an original theory. The student will be responsible for creating a theory based upon empirical research, past theories and present trends. 

Format: Use APA style.  You need at least 5 current primary sources.  Rely primarily on journal articles from 2000 to present. Students should not exceed five books (your textbook does NOT count as a source).

**The Research Paper is due November 18, 2015.**

Journal Databases

Is this Journal Full Text?

PsycINFO Tutorial

Why use PsychINFO Thesaurus



Statista is the leading statistics company on the Internet. Statista aggregates data on a professional level from different institutes and sources. There are over 80,000 topics from more than 18,000 different sources available.  

Each statistic can be downloaded in different formats so that they can be integrated into the document (Graphic PNG file, PowerPoint file, PDF file and Excel chart).

How to Video

Subject Guide

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Tonya Fawcett
Morgan Library, Room 204
574.372.5100 x6291