Application exercises: you will be required to hand in 5 Application Exercises
These are to be 1-2 page SINGLE spaced papers. The application may take numerous forms. For example: you may draw on one of the theories we examine and explain the delinquency of your peers.
You may describe a news event and discuss how it illustrates or is related to course materials.
You may do a film review (but not a TV review…unless it is a documentary), describing how the film illustrates or is related to course materials, evaluating the accuracy of the film drawing on course materials, etc.
You may discuss an issue or event on campus, again drawing on the course materials.
You may also research a current article concerning juvenile delinquency and write a review of this.
Streaming video access to over 80,000 films across a variety of subjects. Most films include public performance rights.
Documentary films and series from the history of the Public Broadcasting Service. Includes history, science and technology, diversity studies, business, and current events.