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SCI 2030 Faith, Science, & Reason: Reading and Organizing


How To Read a Research Article

For Each Article you locate in your search:


  • Abstract -- Start here.  If the information provided here meets your needs, continue on.  If not, find an article that better fits your needs
  • Introduction - What is the author proposing?
  • Conclusion - What did the author discover?
  • Literature Review, Methodology, Research, etc. - Start from the beginning and carefully read with your pen in hand so you can ANNOTATE
    • If you don't know a Word, look it up:

ANNOTATE - write all on and throughout your reading of the article

  • Summarize - paragraphs or sections
  • Reflect on arguments
  • Evaluate the evidence 

How to Read a Scientific Paper

574-372-5100 ext. 6297
Morgan Library - Learning Center
Grace College & Seminary
1 Lancer Way
Winona Lake, IN 46590
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