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Seminary Resources: Journals

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Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Use Google Scholar with the Full Text@Grace College feature to find scholarly articles within the library's collection.

Set your preferences in Google Scholar:

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Click on SettingsSettings
  3. Click on "Library Links" in the left column and type in: Grace College & Seminary
  4. Select "Grace College & Seminary - Full Text @ Grace College"
  5. Click "Save"

Open Access Theological Journals & Dissertations

Many of these resources are available through the Grace LancerQuest search.  We are providing these links should you desire to browse through available titles.

Primary Databases

Secondary Databases

Google Scholar Search

EBSCO Advanced Searching Tutorial

PsycINFO Tutorial

ERIC Thesaurus & Advanced Searching

574-372-5100 ext. 6297
Morgan Library - Learning Center
Grace College & Seminary
1 Lancer Way
Winona Lake, IN 46590
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