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Seminary Resources: Visiting Morgan

Books - Call Numbers

Books in Morgan Library-Learning Center are arranged using call numbers based on the Library of Congress Classification system

Most books about the Bible will be found in these call number ranges:

   1-2970 The Bible
      410-680 Works about the Bible
      701-1830 Old Testament
      1901-2970 New Testament
   10-1480: Doctrinal Theology
      19-37: Doctrine and dogma
       93-93.6 Judaism
       95-97.2 Divine law. Moral government
       98-180 God
       109-115 Doctrine of the Trinity
       117-123 Holy Spirit. The Paraclete
       198-590 Christology
       695-749 Creation
       750-811 Salvation. Soteriology
       819-891 Eschatology. Last things
       1095-1255 Apologetics. Evidences of Christianity
Most books in the area of Ministry can be found in these call number ranges:

   1-5099: Practical theology
      5-530: Worship (public & private)
      590-1652: Ecclesiastical theology
      2000-3706: Missions
      3750-3799: Evangelism; Revivals
      4000-4470: Pastoral theology
      4485-5099: Practical religion; the Christian life

Circulating Commentaries

Most of the Commentaries in the library's collection do circulate (can be checked out) and are located on the third floor of the library, starting with BS. You can search the library's collection through LancerQuest using a subject or keyword search:

Subject search       su:Bible Mark Commentaries 

Keyword search     Mark Commentaries 

Using a subject search should result in more relevant or accurate results. You will retrieve more results with a keyword search, since the computer will be looking for individual words anywhere in the record. For example, Mark could be the name of an author or book title and be nothing about the book of Mark.

* Some commentaries are only available in the Reference Collection. These items can only be used in the library (they cannot be checked out).