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BIB 2010 ONLINE Scripture & Interpretation: Word Study

This guide is designed for the students taking the online version of BIB 2010 Scripture & Interpretation

Word Dictionaries

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance - Online

Because Strong's Concordance is no longer under copyright protection, you'll find a number of websites that provide access to it.  Some searches will only give you the Strong's number, others will provide more information, such as the transliteration, and links to other verses using the same Greek or Hebrew word.

Remember: Strong's is a concordance to the King James Version of the Bible.  

Searching Strongs in the Blue Letter Bible

Subject Guide

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Tonya Fawcett
Morgan Library, Room 204
574.372.5100 x6291

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Miriam Liethen
574-372-5100 x6292