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About Morgan Library–Learning Center

About Morgan Library–Learning Center


The Morgan Library-Learning Center empowers the community of Grace Schools to accomplish educational goals by delivering reliable resources and quality services and by teaching critical thinking and lifelong learning skills.


Morgan Library serves as the academic heart of Grace College and Grace Theological Seminary, supporting the educational and research needs of our residential, distance and online community.

Key features:

  • Large collection of print and digital resources
  • Faculty librarians teaching course-specific research skills
  • Print and media services: Print papers, posters, 3D objects and more!
  • Research support services in-person and online, and via email, chat, and phone
  • Study spaces designed for individual and group learning styles

Student studying in the library

Learning Center

The Learning Center at Morgan Library houses Academic Support Services and Student Disability Services.

Academic Support Services

Resources offered through Academic Support Services include:

  • Content Tutoring
  • Writing Lab
  • Math Lab
  • Academic Success Program

Student Disabilities Services

Student Disabilities Services assists those who need accommodations due to a permanent or temporary diagnosed disability. Housing, dietary, and academic accommodations are available for equal access to college life. Testing services are also offered through the Learning Center.

Academic Support and Disability Services are free to Grace Schools students.


View Morgan Library–Learning Center's resources and services: