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MEG 2700 Fluid Mechanics: Books and E-Books

Basic Guidelines

Book Citations should include:

1. Author

2. Title of Book (italicized)

3. Publisher

4. Publication Date

Examples of book citations

Book by Single or Multiple Authors:

Single Author

The city of publication is no longer required except in special circumstances (p.51).


Two Authors

List the authors in the order they appear on the title page. List the first author with the last name first; list the second author with the first name followed by the last name.


Three or More Authors

For three or more authors, reverse the name of the first author and follow it with a comma and et al.(p.22).


Chapter in a Book:


Book by Single Editor:

If you are citing an entire edited book, place the editor's name in the author position followed by "editor."



Entry or Article in a Reference Book:

Signed Entry

Begin the citation with the author of the article, not the author or editor of the book. Page numbers are not necessary if the entries are arranged alphabetically.


Unsigned Entry

If no author is attached to an entry, begin with the title of the entry.


Multivolume Work:

Include the volume number after the editor's name. (If there is no editor, the volume number will appear after the title.)



Cite the work as you would a print book, followed by:

  • the database in which you accessed the e-book
  • the date of access
