Business related articles and reports. Helpful when looking for company and industry information.
Full-text business articles from regional newspapers and magazines.
News, law cases and reviews, and company financial information. Includes The New York Times.
Best place to start for religion and theology research. Includes full-text journals and citation-only journals and books.
Citations of magazine articles, reviews and scholarly journals containing an evangelical perspective. Some full-text articles.
Broad collection of scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers in most academic subjects. A great starting point for any topic!
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Use the ADVANCED search
Use truncation -- place an * (asterisks) at the end of your base word to include variations of that term in your search, i.e. brand* will search on brand, brands, branding, etc.
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Use AND to combine search concepts to retrieve articles about BOTH your nonprofit AND the major marketing concept, i.e. symphony AND brand*
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