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Works Cited Core Elements

Create your Works Cited by using the template of core elements. List each relevant element for every source.

MLA 9 Core Elements

For online sources list each relevant element from containers 1 and 2, and include an access date. 

URL Citations

DOI logoInclude a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to an online journal article when possible, eg.

If no DOI is available, include a URL without http:// or https://

Permanent link logoOn a database, use the permanent link or permalink.

Include an access date at the end of a citation. Your professor requires it.

Basic Article Citation

Basic Article Citation

Note: the last three elements above are for online resources and constitute a "second container".

Example | Journal Article in Print

Print article exampleModern Language Journal Cover

Example | Journal Article with DOI

MLA 9 DOI exampleChristianity and Literature

Example | Journal Article without DOI

Cover image of the Journal of Moravian HistoryJournal Article without DOI