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Artificial Intelligence: ChatGPT and Beyond: AI: Plagiarism

Is the use of AI plagiarism?

When might the use of AI tools constitute plagiarism?  If you put in a prompt for an AI tool and turn in the results as your own, isn't that the same as presenting someone else's work as your own?  Isn't that plagiarism?  

Lyda, M. (2022, December 15).  Plagiarizing Chat GPT - Is it illegal?  YouTube.  (auto-generated captions) [4:43 minutes] [Chat GPT wrote the entire script] 

Stern, J. (2022, December 21).  Cheating with ChatGPT: Can openAI’s chatbot pass AP lit?  Wall Street Journal.  YouTube [6.58 minutes] 

Can you outwit AI plagiarism detectors?

AI Advantage. (2023, January 8).   How to get around ChatGPT detectors.  YouTube.  [On use of ChatGPT and plagiarism detection. Can you ask an AI to rephrase generated text?  Yes.   Can you ask an AI to write in your own voice by submitting some of your own writing?  Yes.  Can you fool some of the current plagiarism detectors? Yes.  Will you be able to count on that in the future? No!] [Igor Pogany]

Gewitz, D. (2023, January 13).  Can AI detectors save us from ChatGPT?  I tried 3 online tools to find out.  ZDNET.

Nolan, B. (2023, January 14, 2023 Two professors who say they caught students cheating on essays with ChatGPT explain why AI plagiarism can be hard to prove.  Insider.  2023, January 14. Business Insider.

For instructors

Phillip Dawson (@phillipdawson) on Twitter has some reminders to instructors about using plagiarism tools: 
Did the student give permission to upload their work?  
What are the legal, ethical obligations around student data and privacy?  Does the assignment include student names or sensitive information? 
Will student data be stored?  Can you or students ask that the data be deleted?  
What is the data about accuracy of the tool?  What if the results are not trustworthy? 
Do false positives cluster around certain demographics? 
January 17, 2023