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AKRON Seminary Resources: Bible Resources

Seminary resources for Akron students.

Digital and Print Resources

Your research will require you to use a variety of resources. Annotated screenshot of result in LancerQuest

Some resources are only available in digital format, some are only in print, and some are available in both formats.

Search LancerQuest to discover resources:

  1. Digital resources are linked in the LancerQuest record.
  2. Print resources have a call number identifying their location in Morgan Library. 
To use a print resource from off campus, fill out this form. Please provide as much information as possible, and we will scan and email you the relevant pages or chapter.

Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Discover the people, places, archaeology and theology from the biblical world. Arranged alphabetically. Many also feature a Scripture Index.

Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Interested in a specific chapter or set of pages? Fill out this form and we will email you a pdf.



Discover the geography, culture and history of the biblical world. Includes timelines, maps and essays.


Interested in a specific chapter or set of pages? Fill out this form and we will email you a pdf.

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Use with advanced search to combine search terms. See this example of an advanced search.

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Find eBooks

  1. Enter search term and click search icon 
  2. Select 'Grace College & Seminary' under 'Held By Library'
  3. Select 'eBook' under 'Format'


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