When trying to locate a specific article for which you have a citation (journal title, article title, author, etc.), use either the Journals or Articles tab.
Using the Cited by link in Google Scholar can help you locate new research. Enter the Title of a key article in the Google Scholar box and use the Cited by link to obtain more recent research that have used your key article as a reference.
Broad collection of scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers in most academic subjects. A great starting point for any topic!
Starting point for education research, from preschool to college.
The best choice for film and television research.
Academic journal and specialized magazine articles in the humanities published after 1984.
A comprehensive resource for scholarly psychology articles and books. Some have full-text.
Full-text scholarly journals in the social sciences.
How can you tell if an article is scholarly or from a magazine?
If you get your article from an online database, you can usually limit your results list to just scholarly journals. If you are using a print copy, here's some tips:
1. Scholarly journals report on original research and usually include charts, graphs and formulas. The articles are lengthy and usually have headings like method or methodology, results, and conclusion and include a bibliography. Examples of scholarly journals are American Journal of Education, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and Modern Fiction Studies.
2. Magazine articles are written to inform and entertain a general audience. They may be news magazines, sports interest, cultural and social news, or a variety of topics features. They usually have colorful covers, lots of photos and advertisements. Articles are usually brief but can be longer and they seldom have a bibliography. Examples of magazines are Newsweek, Good Housekeeping, and Popular Mechanics.