To search by Religious & Theological Abstracts by Scripture Citation you'll need to use the Advanced Search
Bible Citation Format : When specifying using the examples below, please make sure that there are no whitespaces between any chapter and verse numbers; for example, you must use "Genesis 1:1-2:2" and not "Genesis 1 : 1 - 2 : 2".
- book of [ book name ]
e.g. Book of Neh
This looks in all verses and chapters within a specific book. The example given will search for abstracts referring to any passage in Nehemiah.
- [ book name ] [ start chapter ]:[ start verse ]-[ end chapter ]:[ end verse ]
e.g. Genesis 1:2-10:11
This looks in a specific book for a specific start and end chapter / verse. The example given will search for abstracts referring to any passage in Genesis between 1:2 and 10:11.
- [ book name ] [ chapter ]-[ chapter ]
e.g. Psalms 6-12
This searches all verses between two chapters. The example looks for Psalms Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and all verses therein.
- [ book name ] [ chapter ]
e.g. Ezra 10
This searches all verses in a particular chapter of the book. The example looks for abstracts containing a reference to Ezra 10, all verses.
- [ book name ] [ chapter ]:[ start verse ]-[ end verse ]
e.g. Exodus 1:5-11
This finds abstracts using one particular book between a specific start and end verse. This example looks for Exodus Chapter 1, verses 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
- [ book name ] [ chapter ]:[ verse ]
e.g. Job 3:5
This searches for a specific chapter and verse. References to Job 3:5 will be returned.
(from Religious and Theological Abstracts help page)